Welcome to GeoUtils’s documentation!

GeoUtils aims to make handling of georeferenced data, either in raster or vector format, easier and available to anyone.

Our functionalities are mostly based on rasterio and GeoPandas, but here are some of the additional benefits provided by GeoUtils:

  • for raster objects, georeferences and data are stored into a single object of the class Raster, making it easier to modify the data in-place: reprojection, cropping, additions/subtractions are all (or will be…) on-line operations!

  • the interactions between raster and vectors, such as rasterizing, clipping or cropping are made easier thanks to the class Vector.

import geoutils as gu

filename = gu.datasets.get_path("landsat_B4")

raster = gu.Raster(filename)

Driver:               GTiff 
Opened from file:     /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/geoutils-erikm/envs/latest/lib/python3.7/site-packages/geoutils/datasets/LE71400412000304SGS00_B4_crop.TIF 
Filename:             /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/geoutils-erikm/envs/latest/lib/python3.7/site-packages/geoutils/datasets/LE71400412000304SGS00_B4_crop.TIF 
Raster modified since disk load?  False 
Size:                 800, 655
Number of bands:      1
Data types:           ('uint8',)
Coordinate System:    EPSG:32645
NoData Value:         None
Pixel Size:           30.0, 30.0
Upper Left Corner:    478000.0, 3088490.0
Lower Right Corner:   502000.0, 3108140.0

Indices and tables